he texted her from the empty car,

thinking she could bring

him something.  the problem was,

there was another “she” – another

She he wanted (but in fact, they

were one and the same.)

Advil couldn’t kill the inside

of his head, or stop the incessant

noise.  he needed a staircase

that didn’t keep going – one

that could provide him a view –

some Love –

from the top. 

Life is noise.  There’s no way around that.  What we can control is how much we enter into the silence.  

I used to be afraid of silence.  The truth is, the noise is what’s to be feared.  What it keeps us from hearing lies in wait, to emerge and bring forth a butterfly.

Life is also a staircase, but not the way we are taught.  And figuring that distinction out is the key to climbing anywhere worthwhile.

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