About Us

Our family’s journey began with the realization that growth is an ever-present opportunity, and our experiences, choices, and individual stories have the potential to shape a more profound collective narrative. We have always embraced the idea that the paths we’ve taken in life can be reimagined, and that every day is an opportunity to reinvent ourselves.
Laurel, as the founder and visionary behind our brand, brings her passion for self-discovery, personal development, and meaningful living to the forefront. She’s the guiding force behind our mission to inspire individuals to rethink their past decisions and embrace the potential for positive change. 
Laurel’s partner, an integral part of our collaborative effort, contributes a deep commitment to sustainability and responsible
business practices, ensuring that our products also reflect care for the planet and all its inhabitants. Their children infuse their youthful creativity into our designs, offering fresh perspectives and imagination. They remind us that transformation is a journey for everyone, no matter their stage in life.
Join us on this journey of self-discovery and reinvention! BeThINKful is more than just a business; it’s a reflection of our family’s commitment to continuous change and growth.
Every single purchase of our products contributes to the hope and inspiration for an evolving worldview. Together, let’s unite in embracing a commitment to reimagine and redesign our personal and collective futures – both for ourselves as well as the wider world!


In a world where careers, expectations, and the rush of life often define our existence, Laurel dared to defy convention. Formerly a lawyer, she embarked on an extraordinary personal odyssey, choosing to cast aside the trappings of the rat race and organized religion in search of a deeper, more profound truth within herself.
Laurel’s transformation began as she questioned the very foundations of her life, embarking on her first journey of self-discovery at the late age of 35 and as a mother of 3 young children. Her journey has been, at times, a turbulent ride, marked by periods of tormenting self-doubt, wrestling with the overwhelming demands of parenthood, and the whirlwind of re-inventing herself and her way of life – all without the example of someone who had walked a similar path. 
By forging her own way into the unknown, she discovered that healing and growth are not some distant achievement, but in fact are a profound inner exploration – a conscious engagement with the choices and emotions that shape our existence.
This going within, Laurel maintains, is the heart of the healing process. This process involves understanding the choices we made by default and facing emotions we may have suppressed, ignored, or never truly comprehended. It's a transformative journey towards integration, as we embrace the forgotten and lost facets of ourselves, ultimately moving closer to a state of wholeness.
Laurel’s story is a testament to the courage it takes to step away from the familiar, to question the status quo, and to embark on a profound journey within. Her path is an example of how the journey into one’s creative powers is ever-evolving and never truly finished. She hopes that her vision of healing as an inward pilgrimage will touch the lives of many, guiding them towards a deeper understanding of themselves and a richer, more authentic existence.
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