if someone walked by

they’d probably whisper, 

check her breathing,

maybe poke her shoulder.

hello?, they’d say,

hello?  hello…

from the other side. 

whispering from a world

from which 

she wasn’t a part

(not at the moment, at least.)

she’d gone for a walk

she had let them guide her

away from the wide gravel

and the structure,

into the quiet.

it’s funny how, 

when she gave herself over,

as a release

to the “other” side

her right leg danced

her right hand twitched

but her hips moved 

in perfect rhythm.

her passion was released

into the wild

where most would not understand,

not even those 

who had shaped her soul

they lived in their minds…

(where was their soul…?

oh of course):

it was with hers

on the other side

Yin and yang, dragon and tiger.  Astral, material…spirit and logic.

Me, and you.

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